Aamot Engineering

ICANN Compliance Department
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 30
Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536
United States

Subject: Termination of Contract between ICANN and Domeneshop AS DBA Domainnameshop for piperpal.com

Dear ICANN Compliance Team,

I am writing on behalf of Aamot Engineering, the owner of the domain
piperpal.com, to formally request the termination of the contract
between ICANN and Domeneshop AS, operating under the name
Domainnameshop, for the management of the aforementioned domain.

After careful consideration and due to significant breaches of
contract and ongoing issues with Domeneshop AS, Aamot Engineering has
determined that it is in our best interest to terminate our
relationship with Domeneshop AS as the registrar for piperpal.com.

The decision to terminate the contract stems from repeated violations
of ICANN policies and standards by Domeneshop AS, including but not
limited to:

Failure to comply with ICANN's Transfer Policy, resulting in
unnecessary delays and obstacles in transferring the domain
piperpal.com to another registrar.  Lack of transparency and
accountability in addressing inquiries and concerns raised by Aamot
Engineering regarding domain management and registration.
Non-compliance with ICANN's Registrar Accreditation Agreement, which
mandates registrars to adhere to ICANN policies and maintain the
highest standards of integrity and professionalism in their
operations.  Given the severity and persistence of these violations,
Aamot Engineering has lost confidence in Domeneshop AS's ability to
fulfill its contractual obligations satisfactorily.

Therefore, we hereby request ICANN to initiate the termination process
of its contract with Domeneshop AS for the management of
piperpal.com. We trust that ICANN will conduct a thorough review of
the reported violations and take appropriate action to uphold the
integrity of the domain registration system.

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and request updates
on the progress of the termination process. Should you require any
additional information or documentation from Aamot Engineering to
support the termination request, please do not hesitate to contact us
at ole@aamot.engineering.

Thank you for your cooperation in resolving this issue swiftly and


Ole Kristian Aamot
Sole proprietor
Aamot Engineering